Chantal-Joelle Gross


Apr 19 at 08:22 AM

Hamstring Flexibility
Hi everyone!
I'm struggling a lot with my hamstring flexibility and it keeps me from getting lower in my front splits.
Does anyone has the same issue or had it? And if yes, how did you overcome it?
Looking forward to your support and exercise recommendations! ❤️
PS: Pics in the upper row are from 10th April and below are from 31st of January.... Not a lot of progress but I wasn't super consistent either due to my busy schedule these days.



Feb 20 at 06:07 PM

Quick form check and some help with my progress for the Cossack Squat, pleaseeee 😭❤️ Coach Tiana
I did Gym Day 1 of the systemic program today and properly warmed up before but still struggled with achieving full ROM and therefore the depth of this move... So I went as far down as possible which can be seen in the vid.
How can I unlock the full ROM? My first thoughts were that I'm lacking ankle and hip mobility... But maybe I didn't understand the movement yet 🤔 and are my knees in the right position? So many doubts & questions 🤣

Thank you Coach Tiana for taking your time! 🤗