March 01

Hii Susan! So close with brass monkey press!! A couple things:

-start as high up as you can (it already looks like you're doing this, but just making sure.. stand up as highhh as you can on those right tippy toes and use all your active flexibility to get the left leg as high as possible when putting it on your shelf

-it's common for the right arm to bend a little in the beginning but then fight like hell to push it straight!!

-try to get the top of the right foot to the pole as soon as possible to help keep your hips close to the pole (not shown in this video bc I was going somewhere slightly different, but it'll help you!)

-crunch the left obliques and squeeze that left arm INTO the pole as much as you can! (Both of these tips are aimed to keep you hips close to the pole)

Hopefully those help!

Excited to see you nail this one!!