July 27
• Edited (Jul 28, 2024)




July 28 — August 04

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6 videos

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on July 29th

Your Weekly Challenge! REVIEW TIME! 

July 1st & July 8th: Butterfly and manyyy variations

July 15th & 22nd: Tangled Split, Flamingo (upright & inverted) & combos with other move like upright mermaid, Remi sit, and poisson

What does Review Week Mean?

-Revisit a challenge that you missed OR

-Revisit a challenge that was especially difficult for you OR

-Revisit a challenge that you freakin LOVED OR

-Pick a different move that you are already comfortable with and challenge yourself to flow in and out of it as smoothly and cleanly as possible


Often times in pole, we bounce around to the "next cool Instagram move". So I love having review weeks in my personal practice too, which gives us a chance to further connect and explore different moves and sequences that we've already done in the past. Our bodies LOVE consistency when learning new things. I hope you enjoy this week!!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Comment on this post with a picture (screenshot is fine) of something from your training this week (it can be anything... a move from the challenge, a screenshot from a flexibility or gym session, etc).

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! July winner announced after this week!

SAFETY: There are different levels included in these challenges. Please approach new moves safely. Use a crash pad if you have it or if you have a trusty spotter, that's great too. I want you all to be safe, that's my #1 priority :)) If you're unsure about the prerequisites to the moves, please feel free to ask that question in the Community Feed ("Hey Steph. I really want to try XYZ, but not sure if I should. What are some of the moves I should have before this?) and I can help you determine if a move is appropriate for you to try!