June 30
• Edited (Jul 01, 2024)




July 01 — 07, 2024

Join challenge to see content
2 videos

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on July 1st or click the below link to be redirected:


Your Weekly Challenge! Butterfly and 11 Different Variations

This week's focus is the classic Butterfly AND if you are comfortable in your butterfly, then I've presented you with 11 butterfly variations to experiment with during your training this week. 

Your challenge: Watch the tutorials & then try the moves presented, as well as any other entries, exits, combos, variations, or transitions that you'd like!

STUDENTS: There are many different levels included in these variations. Please approach the one handed variation with reasonable caution. I would recommend only trying that one if you feel extremely confident with all the other variations OR you have a trusty spot to grab your hips while you figure out the balance. I just want you all to be safe, that's always my #1 priority :))


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of your butterfly (or any of the variations, combos, etc) in the Community Feed at www.polewithsteph.com OR via your app. Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! 🎉