


June 24 — 30, 2024

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7 videos

Your Weekly Challenge! REVIEW TIME! 

June 3rd - Extended Butterfly & Poisson (+ variations)

June 10th - Inverts on static & spin | "Pretty" invert to leg hook | Invert Conditioning

June 17th - Laybacks (& variations including crescent)

What does Review Week Mean?

-Revisit a challenge that you missed OR

-Revisit a challenge that was especially difficult for you OR

-Revisit a challenge that you freakin LOVED OR

-Pick two or three moves from this month and try to make a combo!!


Often times in pole, we bounce around to the "next cool Instagram move". So I love having review weeks in my personal practice too, which gives us a chance to further connect and explore different moves and sequences that we've already done in the past. Our bodies LOVE consistency when learning new things. I hope you enjoy this week!!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of something included in this week's videos in the Community Feed at www.polewithsteph.com OR via your app. Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! June winner announced next Monday! 🎉