July 14

Hi Stephanie Tallant ! I recently decided to focus on back flexibility as part of my training. I used to be able to do a needle when I was younger but unfortunately I lost most of my back flexibility when I stopped going to dance school. I found it difficult to get it back and my progress has been slow. I watched the first 4 videos in your back flexibility playlist and they were really helpful. However, there are so many videos of various length and intensity, I don’t know which ones to pick from. Would you recommend picking one or two videos and sticking with them to build progression, or is it better to try different videos each time? Also, is it more effective to train a little bit every day (10-15 minutes) or have fewer, longer dedicated sessions (e.g. one-hour sessions twice a week) ? Would be great to get my needle back sometime in the future! 😊I’d love to hear your advice!!
Thank you!