
May 20 at 06:06 PM

Thank you!


May 17 at 11:17 AM

Thank you!!! I’m hoping to pole again on Saturday so I’ll put this on an attempt again. I was also thinking about my attempts and was definitely brining that front knee waaayyy too low


May 17 at 11:15 AM

for the cross ankle- that is 100% my preferred lay back option as opposed to the straight leg. I feel so much more comfortable in it- but I can see it being more difficult to transition into brass. My upper back is sore today but in a good way!

Same!!! It took awhile to get my back warmed up 😂


Elena!! I feel you on that layback one. Im going to be working in the challenge today so excited!!

May 14 at 04:13 PM

Me+superman =😫😥😭.

May 13 at 08:27 PM

Oh yes much ouch 😬

May 13 at 08:20 PM

Omg im so excited to try some of these!!!!!

Yay congrats!!!

May 12 at 01:43 PM

Good point! Here is a video of her spotting me. I’m not married to her advice - I showed her your video (we ooooed and awed) and then she recommended this- I can’t get my phone to add vids to this thread so I’ll make a new post