Oh my GOODNESS! This cradle is absolutely one of those “looks easy but is NOT” tricks 🤣 at least for me anyways! I attempted to take that top hand off but it felt as though I was going to fall out of it. Thank you so much for sharing these Stephanie Tallant I cannot wait to keep working on them!! ❤️
Julia Olko
Leeds, ME, United States
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Commented on Janeiro entries from Coach Hannah!! H...
Commented on Jan 20th TWO Week Challenge: Compression Strength & a move that requires it, Cradle!
Feb 01 at 10:27 PM
I posted a video of my best attempt in the community feed - but wanted to say how much I love this new challenge. It is 100% a challenge for me and the most difficult out of anything I’ve tried yet for some reason! I especially struggled with the off the pole compression sequence, it felt almost impossible for me and I think this really hones in on where my flexibility is lacking! Can’t wait to keep working on it and having it eventually feel a lot easier!! Love this community and app so much! And Stephanie Tallant of course ❤️