Michelle Rutecki


25 Mar 19:22


Lifes been super busy with a lot of depressing events, so pole has taken a backseat the past few weeks. When I saw part of the challenge was shoulder mount prep, I thought I could squeeze in a few attempts.

I'm lacking straight legs and control when lowering, but those will come over time. I'm fairly new to shoulder mounts, so I'm happy with what I have so far. Here's my attempt at both sides, and I remembered to point toes atleast one time.


Great I'll try that this weekend! Thank you!

16 Feb 18:22



15 Feb 19:08


Thread through challenge...hello boys to genie. Did this last week. Tried to do a climb to cupid but bottom foot keeps sliding, I'll get it by next Valentine's day :). P.S. I have fixed the pole so it's not spinning me in all sorts of directions after this video was made.


First week of the app. I'm a newbie to pole and definitely need to work on compression 🙂