Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Aug 07 at 02:32 PM

Ahhh love it!! What's your preferred entry to inside leg hang.. hooking straight from an invert? Thanks for sharing Nicki!


Aug 07 at 02:26 PM


Hiii friend! I'm attaching a screenshot, so you can reference it along with my explanation. I think bottom hand needs to slide down a bit to bring head a little closer to the pole (making a straight line in arm and shoulder (you'll see I drew a line on the screenshot to show you what a mean). Also notice how the leg is dropping BACK to the back wall (this is important). If the leg drifts to the front of the body, it'll be very difficult to hold. Let me know if that makes sense on paper and keep me posted when you try again!

Aug 07 at 01:34 PM

Omg I loooove to hear it tho!! So many transitions from an inside leg hang.. it's great to feel comfortable in it! Thanks for sharing Vanessaaaa


Aug 07 at 01:33 PM

And if you're working on leg hangs or need a refresher, make sure to check out the tutorial here in the app (P.S. this tutorial is also included in the challenge this week!):

Inside & Outside Leg Hang Tutorials:


Int Tutorial Leg Hang

Aug 07 at 01:24 PM

Outside leg hangs allll day for me hehe!!

Aug 07 at 07:21 AM

Yassss let’s do it 💪🏼

Xoxo ❤️


Aug 07 at 07:21 AM


Aug 07 at 07:21 AM


Aug 06 at 06:04 PM

Vanessa so proud!! And yes princess grip is on the list yippeeee!

Omg I have some moves like that too!! Really happy it was a good refresher for you! And thanks for sharing this shot - it's beautiful on you Joanne!!
