Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

27 Mar 11:45

yassss!! Okay so if you start with your butt a little closer to the pole, it might help you land closer to the pole as well (you'll have more time to bring your legs inwards before they hit the ground).


26 Mar 16:08

Hii Michelle!! Thinking about you as you navigate this difficult time of life <3 I'm happy to see that you were able to squeeze in a few attempts of shoulder mounts (with pointed toes! yay). Thanks so much for sharing your video here. Put a smile on my face!!

25 Mar 14:25

Hiii Susan! I got you. I filmed this for Elena MartelliΒ and it looks like the exact same cues with help you too:Β

25 Mar 14:23

SO hyped about this!!! I know you've worked so hard for this and continue to do so. A huge accomplishment! Congratulations Corrie!!

25 Mar 14:19

Hi beautiful! Fear is totally normal, bc it's our bodies way to keep us safe :)) Like Corrie mentioned, I think moving slowly can have a really powerful impact on fear. So thinking less about getting 'TO' the move, but more about working 'TOWARDS' the move. The more comfortable your body becomes with the "floor k" movement pattern, the less fear.Β 

Also, in this specific video, it looks like you might feel more balanced with hand a little closer to the pole and other hand a little higher on the pole. Also remember that once you get into the "position", the chest needs to move forward (deep shoulder stretch) as the leg moves back bc those two things create a counter balance.

I'm just attaching this tutorial here for others that might see this move and want to try it :)


Floor K Tutorial

00:00 Demo of the move00:36 One of the biggest mistakes01:45...

23 Mar 13:24

Woohoo!! So happy to hear!Β πŸ™

23 Mar 13:23

Yayyy! Coach HannahΒ & I are so happy to hear that!

23 Mar 13:23

You're so welcome! So happy you enjoyed!

22 Mar 12:26

It’s so hard!!! You did amazing! Good job Sue πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


21 Mar 14:14

Soooo excited about this!! YES πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
