Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Love this move on you John! And loved the combo you did with both the inverted and upright version! So fun!


Love it John!! So happy you shared it here!


Yasss this one is so pretty on you as well! 😍

Love it Kellie!! thank you so much for sharing it here!

Jul 22 at 12:03 PM

Awwww Katieeee!! Thank you so much for this!! I am so dang grateful to have been a part of your journey for over 2 years now.. it's allowed me to watch you accomplish so many things and I can't wait to see everything else in store for you! You are amazing!! Love ya!

Super happy to read this!! YAY!

Jul 21 at 03:48 PM

Wow!! Great work babe! Proud of you for nailing this one!

Jul 21 at 01:38 PM

Annie Helpling hahahah Vanessa is going to love this additional peer pressure!!! Let's just say I haven't completely ruled it out LOL


Jul 21 at 12:24 PM

Chantal-Joelle Gross is competing September 15th!! Chantal, what's the name of the competition you're doing?!

Jul 21 at 11:31 AM

pole kat & Annie Helpling are both competing PSO Southwest Dallas August 3rd and 4th! Good vibes being sent to you both!! 🎉🎉