Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Jul 16 at 05:32 AM

Yayyy me too!! 😍

Jul 15 at 08:44 PM

Yasss me too!! :))

Susan Papp Mlodzienski well luckily tangled split is a total faux split so that’s good 😍

Jul 15 at 05:26 PM

Angela Zhang if I were to recommend one video to do several times a week, it's the flying cobra one! It's intense, but it's fairly short so I think it'd be manageable for you to fit in and once you're comfortable with the drills, you can definitely incorporate them into any of your warm ups! have you tried this one yet?


20 Min Flying Cobra (Great ...

Jul 15 at 05:24 PM

Lenka SAMUELY okay no problem at all babe! Will film it sometime this week :))

Jul 15 at 09:06 AM

Espiii it looks good! Did you feel it right above the knee (the bottom part of the quad)? You could probably hold the pause for just a tad longer on each rep.


Jul 15 at 08:58 AM

Hiii Angela! Vanessa left some great advice with her comment! Thanks Vanessa!!

Adding on - When learning a new skill, our bodies learn best with consistency. With that said, I always recommend a little bit every day vs 1 longer session 1x/ week.

As far as specific videos, it's going to look different for everyone based on goals & current level. Sooo I'm really glad you're asking this, so we can figure out what's going to be a good starting point for you. Do you have a picture of a current backbend or if you know your body pretty well, would you say you're "lacking" in shoulders, back, or hip flexibility when it comes to backbend shapes?

Jul 15 at 08:51 AM

It depends :)) when the butt is sticking out (ie knees are pointing up to the ceiling), we are in a straddle stretch. If you were to put your hands on blocks or the floor in front of you and bring butt in line with legs as you rotate the knees forward, you'd be in a middle split stretch. BOTH are beneficial, so I'd recommend staying in that straddle a bit longer, placing hands on blocks or the floor and moving the butt back and forth, letting the hips rotate as you move to see if there's a position that feels like it needs more attention!


Jul 15 at 08:44 AM


Jul 14 at 06:35 PM yayyyy so happy to hear this update!! thanks for posting!