
Feb 19 at 12:22 PM

Thanks so much! Very helpful

Feb 16 at 03:59 PM

I would love some content for spinning tips.😍 For example how to work on not getting dizzy, controlling your speed, and being flowy.

Sep 08 at 04:56 PM

Thanks a lot Steph! I'll give it a try



Sep 06 at 04:17 PM

The closed to open hip splits rotations feel very unatural at the moment. I feel I need to rely a lot on my hands pushing into the blocks to make the rotation. Any suggestions on my form would be helpful


Jun 17 at 05:34 PM

Thanks a lot! 😁 I have already gave it a try was very helpful indeed! I guess it will be a matter of time to be able to engage the muscles similarly while inverting


Jun 17 at 04:18 PM

Thank you! 😍 Good tip about the arms, will try it next time



Jun 17 at 02:57 PM

Hi I'm new to pole so first time posting here 😊 Although I am trying hard to pull the shoulders back in the invert I feel my chest is not yet as open and my hips not as high up to allow me to hook the knee easily to the pole. Is it just a matter of strength or am I missing some cues?