
New Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jul 24 at 12:14 AM

Totally understand the frustration. I have moves that I felt like I should be able to do quickly and found myself getting frustrated that they weren't happening (BOP was the most recent one I wallowed to Steph about before I finally got it). Usually when it's an advanced move like this, I take a long break from it and work on other things that are not related to that move at all like maybe working on improving moves I already know or working on a new move that I know I can get pretty quickly. I then revisit the advanced move maybe a month later or longer to check in on the move and see how I feel about it (motivated vs frustrated) to determine if I work on it now or again table it and continue to work on other things. I've found that overtime working on other tricks builds my confidence, strength, and flexibility inadvertently without me hyperfixating and drilling the same things and not seeing any results. The number of videos I have of me straight up falling off the pole in my basement trying to learn marchetti split by watching a reel on instagram repeatedly... this is definitely one of those moves I had to table in the past.

Jul 23 at 12:05 AM

Lenka SAMUELY yes those 3 videos in your links plus the "straight back leg" video I posted in my previous comment are the videos I have been using to work on progressing my needle!



Jul 19 at 11:06 PM

Stephanie Tallant I was in a Canada goose jacket in 40 degrees getting laughed by the locals, so it's totally fine, it honestly wasn't as bad as I expected. No excuses I'm from the south too ๐Ÿ˜‚


Jul 19 at 11:00 PM

jamimah no I live in Philadelphia, but Chicago is a short plane ride with cheap flights so I competed there last year as well

Jul 19 at 10:27 AM

Susan Papp Mlodzienski, Ashley-Nokomis Travis, and I are all performing at PSO Liberty this weekend!

Sue and I are also probably doing PSO Chicago November 9-10, which rumor has it Stephanie Tallant will be there for my birthday ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Jul 18 at 04:36 PM


Jul 16 at 09:25 PM

The haters: "Sue can't do splitty moves"

Sue: ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿคธ๐Ÿคธ



Jul 16 at 09:02 PM


jamimah here's what I was talking about for marchetti in my comment! Also my bottom foot was blocking my shoulder when I was doing the internal rotation, so I had to awkwardly move it so you could see ๐Ÿ˜‚


Jul 16 at 08:36 PM

To me the set up looked really good!!! There's 2 things I noticed that are making it harder and I think it has to do with you grabbing your foot to try and get in the position.

1. When you tried to pull your foot to your shoulder with your hand you can see your top hand slips which tells me that you're focused more on the bottom arm. When I do it my top arm is essentially pulling my chest towards the pole (and thus towards your legs) rather than thinking of pulling the leg towards your body with the bottom arm. I actually pull so much that my top arm is bent

2. By grabbing the foot that bottom shoulder is essentially in a neutral position when it should be super internally rotated, almost thinking like you're trying to point the top of your shoulder towards the pole so that your bottom hand can point down.

My set up might be different from Steph's bc I haven't watched her videos, so let me do it real quick and post a video of my set up trying to show the pull of the top arm and internal rotation of the bottom that I do.