
New Philadelphia, PA, United States


Sep 18 at 11:55 PM


Weekly challenge win, as well as fulfilling my spatchcock dreams. Can't believe Stephanie Tallant was withholding a spatchcock tutorial from us this whole time, what other little secrets does she have 👀👀👀



Aug 01 at 09:19 PM


jamimah Circling back to our convo about tabling moves, I thought I should be able to do a spatchcock like right when I started pole because I could do one from the floor (and because I'm a joke 🤡🤡🤡) 2 years of pole and this has been tabled SOOOOO many times because my upper body wasn't strong enough that I only check on it every couple months randomly. Today at the very end of class was the day it finally happened and probably thanks to all the other split nonsense Stephanie Tallant had me work on over the last month 😭😭😭🐥🐥🐥



Jul 16 at 09:02 PM


jamimah here's what I was talking about for marchetti in my comment! Also my bottom foot was blocking my shoulder when I was doing the internal rotation, so I had to awkwardly move it so you could see 😂



Jul 04 at 11:08 PM


Stephanie Tallant feedback on these 3 please. I feel like I'm closer to the pole than you are in the video. Also I know you said dismount of your choice, but I don't think the last clip is what you meant 🙈but idk how to move without falling from that position it seems unstable but maybe it's a strength thing.



Jun 28 at 09:24 PM


I THINK I FINALLY FIGURED OUT THE POISSON 😭😭😭😭😭 the butterfly leg seems to PLOP on the pole a little awkwardly but it's the closest I've been 🥺



Jun 24 at 02:43 AM


jamimah this is me as a baby 👶🏽May 2023. These clips are from the same day so I'm the same level of flexibility in both. In the first one I'm focused on reaching the hand to the pole and having "where the f is the pole" frustration. In the second clip I focus on getting the pole lined up in the crease of my hip and getting that contact point of thigh/torso squeezing the pole first and then reaching for the pole happened easily.



Jun 22 at 11:04 PM


Stephanie Tallant mommmm I need helpppp with floor K 🥺😫I had to take away the crash mat bc I couldn't get a strong handstand arm with it, but every time I try to "untuck my tail bone" I just Humpty Dumpty flip out of it 🙃
also Elena Martelli posted with a bleep like you suggested to keep it PG 😂



Jun 18 at 10:52 AM


Stephanie Tallant I didn't listen to the weekly assignment, got distracted by the dove part in your video, and decided to revisit it after my previous disaster attempt (ego recovering). Superman is still not happening but thought of the figurehead thing you taught a few weeks ago and wondering if this is close to a dove 🕊️ and comment on the entry? 😬🙃



Jun 12 at 03:47 AM


Weekly challenge inverts: the first clip might have been going for the world record for most knee hook adjustments after a single aerial invert on spin (counted 7 🫣).
Stephanie Tallant, my second clip looks better than whatever the fork is going on in the first clip, and I feel like I understand the techniques from the floor but aerially it still feels off. Also your "messy" invert at the beginning of your messy invert tutorial is comically clean and better than my second clip, so I presented the first clip for reference of what a messy invert looks like if you want to try and duplicate that technique I have going on there 😂😂😂



Jun 07 at 12:25 AM


Weekly challenge Poisson: tried them all, but 🙃🫠. Wondering if you need a solid Ayesha/be comfortable with 2 points of contact moves to be able to do this with both hands on the pole and that's what "strong arms" means in your video because I feel like I'm going to nose dive and don't feel secure if I were to move the legs around. Will reattampt with my crash mat when it comes back home but overall scary 🫣 Stephanie Tallant help thx