
New Philadelphia, PA, United States

Mar 04 at 10:11 PM

I'm sad that I'm working in person at that time but I'm definitely doing the recording 😍😍😍so excited for theseee. The last one was so much fun!!!


Feb 27 at 10:45 PM


Basically maintain this position of your hips that you have in the beginning and try to press your sternum towards the ground without moving your hips forward

Feb 27 at 10:32 PM

In your ending pose your hips look too far forward and not directly in line with your knees, so I imagine that weight shift could be putting more strain in your arms. I experimented with body positions and when I lean too far forward with my hips passed my knees (I did it on blocks bc otherwise I was resting on the floor and I couldn't tell a difference) it does put A TON of weight into my shoulders and hurt. I usually have to do puppy pose in the mirror bc I can't tell where my hips are otherwise

Feb 27 at 04:32 PM

Yeah that's the Cupid to inside leg hang transition that I was talking about that I can do. But it does not feel like that at all when I grab the foot instead. Which I guess means I rely on my hands a lot in the twisted grip version.


Feb 27 at 02:19 AM


Has anyone been able to do this transition? I'm able to do Cupid to inside leg hang transition with my hands on the pole but grabbing the foot it feels impossible. The second I try to pull my body to the other side of the pole my knee pit slips even though I'm squeezing for dear life to the point my tendons in the back of my knee are screaming and my calf is cramping. It feels like the same feeling I get when trying to do star gazer which is my second most hated move, though this move might actually be in the running to beat star gazer since it almost broke my neck. Anyways plz help Stephanie Tallant


Feb 20 at 10:13 PM

It doesn't hurt my shoulders at all. I feel the stretch in my arm pit area mainly. It might help if you post a pic to see your alignment

Feb 13 at 09:44 PM

I second pole combos! I know you have some that you include in the weekly challenges, but I feel like many times I'm missing foundational skills/transitions in parts of the combos where I can't even do the first transition in the combo and need you to talk to me through it like I'm 5 because all I know is how to do a move and come down. Basically if you haven't talked me through how to do a move or transition I probably don't know how to do it. The ones I remember from this week that bamboozled me was a grab the foot flippidy do-da after the first thread through. Then the other combo was like a genie to a butterfly. So basically I don't get very far linking moves when you don't talk at me 😬


Feb 13 at 08:48 PM

The head shake is so relatable. ACTIVATE EXTEND-O ARMS™️


🐰featuring nutmeg 🐱

Jan 15 at 05:33 PM


Oops there's the picture of the position
