Coach Tiana

Executive brain behind gym programming 🧠💪🏼✨

Feb 20 at 07:15 PM

Additional thought… with any squat pattern you want to make sure knees are tracking over 2nd/ 3rd toe- so turn out as much as needed to keep that alignment 👍🏼👍🏼

Feb 20 at 07:14 PM

These actually look great! If you really sit into each side and feel the stretch that will help you improve ROM over time as your bod is ready. A small counterweight (5-10 lb) in your hands with your arms stretched out in front of you can help you improve ROM as well and keep a super tall chest throughout the movement! Lmk if you have more questions 🥰

Feb 06 at 11:40 AM

For you, it probably doesn’t matter (with your back flexibility) as long as your back is okay with it. Goal is to eventually get butt to heels so as you get better range of motion, you’ll need to extend your spine less