Coach Tiana

Executive brain behind gym programming 🧠💪🏼✨

Feb 11 at 12:45 PM

I wouldn’t over think arm path here! Looks good! If it’s too light your elbow can do all sorts of weird stuff. If it’s appropriately heavy you should just be able to pull toward your waistline. Maybe try untucking pelvis so spine is more neutral to see if that helps you feel more stable through core? Good job overall ✨

Feb 11 at 12:40 PM

Nice! Okay for elbows to be a bit wider- might line up better with anterior delts. I think back arch is okay- in fact in the bottom you want to press your sternum upppp and DB come down to really get a good stretch on anterior delt. I would focus on improving bottom position and pausing at the bottom each time to eliminate use of momentum


Feb 06 at 07:32 AM

Definitely post a video! I have some clips in my highlights of hamstring curls where I focus on maintaining really clean hip flexion so you actually get as much of a stretch as possible with that exercise. While good strength training might decrease your passive flexibility- it should help you build a solid foundation to build your active flexibility!


Feb 05 at 02:37 PM

Generally training our muscles in a full ROM and really focusing on the lengthened position can actually help with flexibility. If you’ve been relying on passive mobility to get yourself into your flexibility positions then yes strength training might actually decrease your flexibility. BUT I’ve you’ve been prioritizing active flexibility training and using your muscles to move yourself into your flexibility shapes, then strength training where you’re prioritizing loading the lengthened position of your muscles should actually help flexibility over time. Remember- increasing our flexibility is really just increasing our body’s ability to tolerate the feeling of stretching. Just because for muscles feel tight in the few days after a workout, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re working against your flexibility goals Nina Stephanie Tallant

Feb 03 at 12:58 PM

Much better!! Now heavier :))

Dec 16 at 01:28 PM


ROM looks good- I think your set up could be more stable - by pushing your entire foot down into the ground - you might need to turn the other way on that bench if the bottom part is in the way


Dec 16 at 05:56 AM

I like to batch prep my proteins which is the biggest time saving hack. I could 3-5 lbs at a time and then freeze in 4-6oz portion sizes. I thaw my portions overnight in the refrigerator and then they’re good for that day


Dec 14 at 04:11 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Anytime we’ve been doing a given type of training for a long time— making progress gets harder and harder and slower and slower. It’s just the nature of being more advanced. And when we are new to a type of training we have this really fun window when we make progress really fast!

I train for bodybuilding primarily- meaning I’m mainly concerned with training to create a physique that I like aesthetically. Because of how long I’ve been training, creating big drastic changes in my physique doesn’t happen over night. At this point growing enough muscle to make a visual difference takes months and years!!

Above… the first photo (green pants) is August 2023 vs December 2023 comparing the start of my backbend adventures to my progress just 4 months in. BIG change

Second photo is December 2023 vs December 2024 comparing the last 12 months of my progress! Still a significant difference but not as drastic as those first few months… I share this because the initial BIG progress times can lead us to expect progress will continue like that- but that’s not typically how things go.

We’ll have periods of fast progress and periods of painfully slow progress (as I’m sure everyone here has experienced). Lols. Which is why we always emphasize learning to enjoy the process as you go. If you enjoy creating- if you enjoy the process- then you get little bits of joy as you go- which often actually leads you to stay engaged long enough to create the outcomes you’re interested in✨


Dec 08 at 04:04 PM

Looks good! Maybe more toe down (internal hip rotation) for glute med 


Nov 25 at 05:15 PM

Yeah!! We want to make sure that we’re not limited by “being out of breath” during our normal hypertrophy cycles (and for you guys in some of longer pole combos)- so we do these weeks of systemic training (think out of breath training lols) so we are conditioned properly to do all the other things we want to do
