Susan Papp Mlodzienski

New Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jun 26 at 09:09 AM


Jun 25 at 06:29 PM

I find your knowledge base vast. Your instruction is consise and on point. I find the skills presented attainable. I enjoy the weekly challenges which are helpful to keep me on track. Done Stephanie Tallant .

Jun 25 at 05:36 PM

& an almost ( I hope in the next year ) a retired doctor Vanessa


Jun 24 at 03:25 PM

Oh this is an excellent thread. There is so much to fit it & it’s such a challenge to balance everything. I enjoy seeing what everyone does weekly. I will preface by saying I am 55yo & started pole at almost 52yo. I have always been into fitness & dance but not a Gymnast. To me pole is closest to gymnastics. I also do no “cardio” as in sustained cardiovascular exchange. I view my pole & strength classes as cardio enough

My current weekly schedule

Daily : flexibility/ mobility training 15-20 - different area each day , sometimes more depending on time & how I feel

3-4 times a week , strength training with heavy weights & body weight

3-4 pole classes or on pole training weekly

I take one day off / week ( except for mobility training)

Every 6 weeks or so I take 3-4 days off in a week.

Some weeks I also take a traditional dance ( modern ) class.


Jun 23 at 06:04 AM

Is there a mobility exercise so I can get the knee higher ?


Jun 22 at 04:06 PM

Stephanie Tallant I would love that video. I started the flying cobra training video. The first 10min almost killed me.

Vanessa I swore I would never do half moon again 😂


Commented on Floor K Tutorial

Jun 22 at 02:55 PM

Can’t get the bottom leg straight

Jun 22 at 02:40 PM

lol, those magic words , let go

Jun 12 at 03:09 PM

Thank you ! I am very not twisty

Jun 08 at 08:07 AM

Thanks! I’ll let you know how it goes