Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Aug 21 at 09:14 PM

Susan Papp Mlodzienski this post for jade. The other leg has to point up towards the ceiling. This brings your balance towards your upper body and makes it easier for your inside leg to come off the pole

Yayyyy good job Susan!! 😍

Aug 21 at 09:11 PM

Hi Susan!! Elena Martelli posted a very similar question a few days ago. I addressed it in her post, so I’ll tag you in that and I think it’ll help you!


Yassss great work John!! Love it!


jamimah yayyyy me too!! Lmk! ❤️

Excellent tip Vanessa! Thanks!

Aug 21 at 11:54 AM

Joanne Phipson I will make an announcement when the new program is live and we’ll definitely make sure you have access babe 💪🏼


Aug 21 at 11:49 AM

Would love to add this to request list and film one in the near future! Thanks for the idea! Are you looking for one from an invert entry?

Aug 20 at 08:35 PM

Also: if it’s just the foam roller drill that feels like too much, I recommend trying it with a rolled up yoga mat or rolled up towel. That’s the modification I give when roller is too advanced and students have found it a good middle ground :))