Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Nov 13 at 07:20 AM

Ely my friend so fun to see that shoulder mount continue to get stronger and stronger. and I love that way to continue it too - how many shapes can I do while hold it lol amazing! and yay for forearm stands on the ground for the challenge this week - crushed it!!


Nov 13 at 07:13 AM

Hii John! I was actually just discussing this one with my friend yesterday bc we were playing with it in a pole jam. She was having difficulty with the bottom arm placement, and as soon as she related that bottom arm to "pegasus", it clicked. Remind me, do you have pegasus in your repertoire?

Nov 11 at 03:27 PM

Congratulations on teaching again Corrie!! So very exciting!! 🤩🎉🥰❤️💪🏼🥳 And so relatable with cleaning!! 🤣


Nov 11 at 12:49 PM


Nov 11 at 12:48 PM


2nd part is the Ayesha transition... it looks like your shoulder is coming off the pole around :09 of the video. The back of the shoulder stays connected during the Ayesha transition. I will comment a picture for reference with the contact points circled 

Nov 11 at 12:47 PM


I circled the connection point


Nov 11 at 12:47 PM


first tip is at this point.. i know the back bendy part will look different for everyone, but I want you to try bringing your butt and hips all to the same side of the pole (similar position to a brass monkey). I will comment a screenshot for reference.

Nov 11 at 12:45 PM

got it - okay posting some screenshots now with some tips

Nov 11 at 07:01 AM

Hi Susan! Is this the combo at the end of the forearm tutorial? Looking forward to helping you through it

Nov 09 at 07:05 AM

Niiice Espi!! Looks so strong and controlled! Will have to try myself 😍 Thanks for sharing it here!
