Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Wow Espi!! Beautiful! 😍


Yassss go Susan!! Great work!! ❤️

This was is so pretty on you! Beautiful lines 😍 Thanks for posting here!

Oct 04 at 06:51 PM

Thank you so much for sharing here babe! ❤️

Oct 04 at 03:50 PM

Try reaching the arm in front of your body and then crawling them down towards your ankle… if this still feels tough, try sliding all the way down so that your straight leg toes are on the floor. There is a Twisted Sister tutorial in the tangled temptations workshop babe. I will also put it on my list to film a Twisted Sister tutorial only.

Oct 04 at 08:53 AM

Melissa Angling do you go by Mel or Melissa? ❤️

Oct 04 at 08:52 AM

Thank you for sharing Mel! ❤️

Oct 03 at 04:54 PM pay special attention to 1:40 in the tutorial. It looks like you could be using more upper back. In general though this is very good. Cheba split is a weird one in that it sometimes doesn't look flat unless you have just the right angle. update me when you try again!


Int Adv Cheba Split Entries...



Yasss!! Great job with this one!
