Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Sep 20 at 05:38 PM

Okay got it! Thank you so much Tiana!



Hehehehe omg what a funny shot! πŸ˜‚


Sep 19 at 04:51 PM

Sharon CzarnekΒ I added a part two to the meathook tutorial discussing the main points of contact when fully in the move. It starts at 8:57. I hope you find it helpful!


Adv Tutorial Meathook

Timestamps:0:00 Intro, Prerequisites & Demo1:55 Floor...

Sep 19 at 04:49 PM


When you try again, include the Ayesha part in the video pretty please, It'll help me! But what I can see from this video.. try having the bony part of your elbow in front of the pole vs at the side of the pole. I just added a part 2 on the meathook tutorial discussing this specific contact point. attaching a screenshot of the timestamp.


Sep 19 at 03:22 PM

Yasssss that's the exact point you should feel it! Very good!

Make sure that while you're struggling for your life (lol) that you're also managing slow deep breaths, so you can overtime teach your body that that position is actually okay and there's no need to struggle hehe

yessss meathook for the win!! Great work John!


Sep 19 at 08:52 AM

Glad you posted this here Susan!

Hamstring engagement.. make sure both heels are actively squeezing towards your booty

The sequence of the setup.. it's important to create space between yourself and the pole (which is why spin can be helpful for this move.. the spin helps create some of that space):

inside arm is high and straight

outside reaches out, hooks at the elbow

top arm releases so the elbow arm can grab the inside shoulder

the free hand grabs the foot

I'm posting a slow mo video of this setup and will tag you!

Sep 19 at 08:11 AM

Hahaha I have a bag of tricks πŸ˜‡

this video tho! YES bebe!!! That dance at the end omg is the cutest thing ever! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰So proud of you!! I’m glad the spatchcock tutorial was helpful in all the ways you needed hehe πŸ™ƒβ€οΈπŸ˜˜Keep it up! πŸ’ͺ🏼
