John Flynn


Dec 18 at 01:49 PM


Dec 16 at 02:22 PM

Thank you Susan! This is very helpful!❤️


Dec 16 at 02:20 PM

Thank you! I like the idea of adding the protein powder I will have to try that! Currently trialing the overnight oats🥰


Dec 16 at 06:39 AM

Ohhh that’s great! Thank you!😊


Dec 15 at 09:34 PM

This is super helpful thank you Stephanie! I’m actually gonna be trying the overnight oats tomorrow (currently in the fridge 😅). The way you explained your day gives me great ideas on where I should be fueling myself. I feel like I overthink it and stress myself out and just give into bad eating lol. But this is perfect, exactly what I was asking for. 🥰

I do fast every night(no food after 8pm) I think that is probably my only saving grace plus the exercising everyday. I will eat my dinner but no food after 8 but won’t eat until my lunch time at work which is sometimes almost 1 pm the next day. Do you recommend I keep doing that?



Dec 15 at 08:39 PM

I hope this is ok that I ask this here. I would like to eat better foods and meal prep. I would like to know what are some of your favorite meals or on the go meals? Snacks? The less time consuming cook time or prep would be ideal.