Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Aug 24 at 03:26 PM


Yayyy for titanic! A tough one for sure but I know you’ll get it! One thing I find really helpful is making sure that back leg stays further back (screenshot attached).. I find I’m more able to squeeze the inner thigh of that back leg INTO the pole which is really important because yes there’s a little connection with the other inner thigh but it’s a smaller connection point than the back leg

Commented on Stargazer to iguana

Aug 24 at 02:34 PM

Amazing John! Love the iguana fang too! Well done babe!


Aug 24 at 02:32 PM

Yasss love that side climb reverse grab transition -  a favorite and you do it with so much control! Love this whole combo John! Thanks for sharing here!!

Aug 24 at 02:31 PM

One of my favorite combos! Love that you enjoyed it Susan! Thanks for sharing here!


Aug 24 at 02:30 PM


ohhhh I actually have a perfect drill for you (I think) that mimics this pretty well! it's not in the app, but I did it this morning and can clip out a video for you. but I have a question first... when you stand with your back against the pole similar to this attached screenshot.. (knees slightly bent, you don't need ankle weights I just had them on for something else), how far can you get your arms overhead?

Aug 24 at 01:28 PM

AZ in the house!! 🥳🥳 Hehe thanks for sharing babe!

Aug 24 at 01:27 PM

It looks like your bottom foot is slippery babe. Sometimes it’s as “simple” as putting some grip on the bottom of your foot. Did you try that?

Aug 24 at 01:27 PM

Thanks for this Espi!

Aug 24 at 01:26 PM

Missouri babe! Woohoo!! Thanks for sharing ☺️🙏🏼❤️


Aug 24 at 01:25 PM

jamimah come visit one day ☺️