
Jul 01 at 10:58 AM


Jun 29 at 12:06 AM

So you look like you have a deeper knee bend than I do at the bottom. For the neutral- am I tucking my pelvis a lot?

Jun 28 at 05:13 PM


In case you want a more โ€œseriousโ€ one

Jun 28 at 05:13 PM



Jun 27 at 02:55 PM

Ok yes!!! I do know bow and arrow! Thank you!


Jun 27 at 02:54 PM

Thank you!! I think I may try and add these to some warm up conditioning- just 1-3 good reps each side


Jun 26 at 10:40 PM

Stephanie Tallant forgot to tag you in the post ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Jun 24 at 12:24 PM

Hey!! Shoulder stuff is hard! I have a chronic left shoulder/pec/bicep issue that I am constantly working around. For me itโ€™s a continual journey of learning how much pole my arm can handle and what moves are specifically more hard on it!

The gym program has greatly helped my shoulders tho! I do that 2-3x/week and pole is maybe 1-2x a week. Lately Iโ€™ve been trying to incorporate short stretch sessions after my gym sessions and *ideally* 1 long one a week butโ€ฆ.that doesnโ€™t always happen. Happy journey!! Feel free to reach out if you wanna chat!


Jun 22 at 12:12 PM

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ oh yes I had this multiple times in my Thursday training ๐Ÿ˜‚


Jun 21 at 03:51 PM
