Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Yasss!! Great job with this one!


love love love!! 


Oct 03 at 04:47 PM

Also, is the video supposed to cut off at 13 seconds?

Oct 03 at 04:47 PM

is this the twisted sister straddle babe?

Yayyyy so happy you did! 😍😍

Layla McCusker, Katrina Lennon, Samantha Stone, Gloria, Stefania, kelley, Annalisa cragnolini I know all of you are fairly new here, so I wanted to highlight the new two week challenge posted today! I hope you all enjoy! Make sure to comment a screenshot of something you do in your training this week or next, so I can include you in the next subscriber collage! xoxo Coach Steph

Sep 29 at 06:52 PM

Loving alllll of these!! So happy you shared them! It reminded me of the sunflower, love that one! 

Sep 29 at 06:51 PM

Elyyyy I am so happy to see this! That's such an awesome improvement with your shoulders! YAYYYYY 🎉


Sep 28 at 07:48 PM

Homework stands for homework :)) pole homework is released through the weekly challenges. We are finishing the pole sits two week challenge now. A new one will be released on Monday all about faux splits! You’ll receive an email about it ☺️


Sep 28 at 07:47 PM

Oh this is amazing Tiana!! Thank you!! 🙏🏼