Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Aug 15 at 04:28 PM

Susan Papp Mlodzienski I’m going to try it 😍

Beautiful lines in this Joanne Phipson !! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Aug 14 at 05:12 PM


Hiii love!! Is your shoulder okay? Just making sure! Yes, bottom arm placement.. see how the forearm needs to be aligned to the pole so you can push into it. That bottom arm push is really important and it looks like you don’t quite have that connection yet… also, you can see it in the screenshot, the inside obliques have to work like crazyyyy so we don’t fall out.

Last thing.. can you try on static??

Yasssss so happy to see this update!! 😍 you did great babe! You’re welcome!

Where are things getting stuck in Pegasus? Let me know!!

Aug 14 at 09:43 AM

& Susan Papp Mlodzienski just dropping this here in case you haven’t seen it: the fairy walk tutorial here in the app:


Beg Int Adv Tutorial Airwal...


Aug 14 at 09:43 AM

I see mainly two different ways of doing this move… The way that works for me is a straight top arm & pulling down with lat. The other way that I see which doesn’t work for me is a bent top arm & pulling with bicep, which it looks like is the method that you’re trying in this video. So, I recommend standing a little bit closer to the pole, extending the top arm & trying to pull down through your lat. does this make sense?

Aug 14 at 09:38 AM

Lolol we’re both mad scientists 👩‍🔬🤣 I’m intrigued by the shaving cream that both you and Susan Papp Mlodzienski mentioned!!

Aug 14 at 09:38 AM

I just read Vanessa’s too and I’m so intrigued by this shaving cream thing lol I may need to try this!! Does it make you grippy? Ahhh lupit pad- I forgot about those!! I’m loving all this info too- it’s always cool to see what works for other people. Thanks for sharing!!

Aug 13 at 08:28 PM

Oh nice!! Haven’t heard of pole poised products. Will have to test them out! Thanks for sharing!


Aug 13 at 08:27 PM

Oh yes dew point I remember is great too!!
