Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States

Aug 23 at 08:09 AM

oh fun!! What part of Florida?!

Aug 23 at 08:09 AM

Katieee! This was a quick tip I filmed awhile ago addressing this exact same "issue".. it's really common! Watch (it's only 3 minutes) and let me know if it makes sense:

Confirm with me that you've watched both tutorials as well so I don't sound like a broken record hehe 

So excited to help you towards this one!

Aug 22 at 02:11 PM

Italy!! Amazing! Thanks for sharing babe!


Aug 22 at 02:11 PM

Thanks for sharing babe!! were you doing it with square hips when you were finding it difficult babe? I find that open hips and really engaging the abs is helpful!


Aug 22 at 10:27 AM

Key West, Florida, United States!


Aug 22 at 10:26 AM

It's time to welcome more new subscribers to the App! Woohooo!! And to all subscribers (old and new), let's share where in the world we're all located! How many countries has the Pole with Steph App brought together?! 😍 I'll share my answer in the comments!

Gabrielle Horrocks

WELCOME!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Aug 22 at 09:46 AM

Beginning in September 2024, the Pole Conditioning Program will be released via the App:

Aug 22 at 09:45 AM

Hi Jo! Also a heads up that beginning in September, the Pole Conditioning Program will be released through the App, so no worries about the google doc :) The Gym Program will still be released via the Google Doc!


Aug 21 at 09:25 PM


Susan Papp Mlodzienski see the difference in body position… ideally this is the position where the contact point shift happens in the knee pit so when we lay back, it feels like a “normal” layback :)) this is a screenshot from the 2nd demo in the link on this thread