Aug 22 at 12:10 PM

Napoli Italy


Hi coach jade cup grip for week’s challage . I really need this refresh to help me improve my technical aspects. ( from this side looks flat but from the other side less 🥹)

Jul 16 at 04:34 PM

Stephanie Tallant coach I mean both 😂❤️


Jul 16 at 01:28 PM

I love boh , static and spin

Jul 14 at 04:42 AM

For me depends what I am planning to do with pole work . If I need to execute something already strong on the pole my warm up is mostly dedicated on mobility and quick activation and active stretching 15 minutes in total


Stephanie Tallant

Chest butterfly ❤️

Jul 11 at 04:20 AM


Stephanie Tallant coach ☺️

Butterfly 🦋

Jul 10 at 01:58 PM

Thank you coach Stephanie Tallant ❤️