Susan Papp Mlodzienski

New Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jul 31 at 07:50 PM

That last step into the Brass. You made it look easy

Jul 19 at 01:04 PM

Seriously considering Chicago


Jul 17 at 10:42 AM

Just my two cents & I’d be interested to hear what Coach Tiana has to say but, I was told to incorporate one arm rows & bicep curls ( rows low reps with a fairly heavy dumbbell & curls lighter with high reps 3x week ) to aide in pull- up success.

Jul 17 at 06:36 AM

Vanessa But my friends know I can !


Stephanie Tallant great , i did not see a mini tutorial on the app.  Thanks

Jul 16 at 06:25 PM

I was !


Stephanie Tallant what is the Saturday straddle


Here my happy Flamigos

Stephanie Tallant I have not tried the tangled split yet. It was recently pointed out to me that I am not good with "splitty moves." "Tangled" seems twisty , which is also hard for me.  IDK what a reiko mount is. As always I will give the challenge my best. 


Jul 14 at 08:10 PM
