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  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 31

Combos from Stephanieā€™s recording for flamingo.

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 30

Stephanie Tallant hey this is my first post and I attempted the upright mermaid Remi Sit Butterfly Planche combo. I couldnā€™t fully push into my butterfly and I think I didnā€™t slide my hand down low enough and bring my top leg up higher?

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 30

Coach Tiana, I have a question specifically for you!! šŸ¤©When Iā€™ve being doing core workouts recently, I noticed that when I think about engaging my lats, my abdominal muscles seems to engage more too. For example, Iā€™ve noticed this with hollow body holds. Is this is my head, or is there something real happening here? Thank you!!!!

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 31

Combos from Stephanieā€™s recording for flamingo.

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 25

Stephanie Tallant heyyyy watched your Marion amber video qq my top hand/grip doesnā€™t feel secure for me to release that same leg off the pole, I feel pressure on the base of my thumbā€¦ am I pressing into the pole with my thigh? Also do I need to tilt my chest to the ceiling a little bit more? Do I need to be a little bit more butt over shoulders? Lol so many questions šŸ˜‚!

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 30

Stephanie TallantĀ and Coach TianaĀ I have actually problem with my flexibility, which got worse after I started regularly going to the gym and lifting heavy weights (4 weeks - 2x lower body, 2x upper body). Even though I'm currently trying to include flexibility at least 4x a week, I still feel like it's just not there. First, I have a problem with the front and middle split. Somehow I hit the ground running, today the hamstrings are pulling me very hard. Should I include some extra stretching or warm-up for example on the roller after strength training or after my cardio sequence (50 minutes of skipping every day). Roller is very popular now, but I don't know if it will help. I'm desperate about it. Thank you very much!

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 14
ā€¢ Edited (Jul 14, 2024)




July 15 ā€” 28, 2024

Join challenge to see content
6 videos

I've received feedback that having two weeks for the challenges would be really helpful! I do agree that this will give you all more time to practice and further explore all the new (or old) things! I love feedback like this and am always here for it. Thanks students!

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on July 15th or click this link:Ā

Your Weekly Challenge! Flamingo (upright & inverted) and/ or Tangled Split

I know... It seems like a completely random selection of two moves, BUT there's a really cool combo I love to do with Flamingo & Tangled split, so:

July 15th weekly assignment: Watch the tutorials and attempt at least 1 (or all 3.. depending on your level).

July 22nd weekly assignment: More time to improve the ones you've already tried OR time to explore the others! If you feel good with both the inverted flamingo and the tangled split, you can watch the combo demonstration that will be added to this challenge on the 22nd!

SAFETY: There are different levels included in these challenges. Please approach new moves safely. Use a crash pad if you have it or if you have a trusty spotter, that's great too. I want you all to be safe, that's my #1 priority :))Ā If you're unsure about the prerequisites to the moves, please feel free to ask that question in the Community Feed ("Hey Steph. I really want to try XYZ, but not sure if I should. What are some of the moves I should have before this?) and I can help you determine if a move is appropriate for you to try!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow BOTH of the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of your butterfly (or any of the variations, combos, etc) in the Community Feed at OR via your app (photos can be posted via web and app. Videos can only be posted via the web version either using a web browser on your phone, laptop, iPad, etc). Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! šŸŽ‰

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 27
ā€¢ Edited (Jul 28, 2024)




July 28 ā€” August 04

Join challenge to see content
6 videos

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on July 29th

Your Weekly Challenge! REVIEW TIME!Ā 

July 1st & July 8th: Butterfly and manyyy variations

July 15th & 22nd: Tangled Split, Flamingo (upright & inverted) & combos with other move like upright mermaid, Remi sit, and poisson

What does Review Week Mean?

-Revisit a challenge that you missed OR

-Revisit a challenge that was especially difficult for you OR

-Revisit a challenge that you freakin LOVED OR

-Pick a different move that you are already comfortable with and challenge yourself to flow in and out of it as smoothly and cleanly as possible


Often times in pole, we bounce around to the "next cool Instagram move". So I love having review weeks in my personal practice too, which gives us a chance to further connect and explore different moves and sequences that we've already done in the past. Our bodies LOVE consistency when learning new things. I hope you enjoy this week!!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Comment on this post with a picture (screenshot is fine) of something from your training this week (it can be anything... a move from the challenge, a screenshot from a flexibility or gym session, etc).

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! July winner announced after this week!

SAFETY: There are different levels included in these challenges. Please approach new moves safely. Use a crash pad if you have it or if you have a trusty spotter, that's great too. I want you all to be safe, that's my #1 priority :))Ā If you're unsure about the prerequisites to the moves, please feel free to ask that question in the Community Feed ("Hey Steph. I really want to try XYZ, but not sure if I should. What are some of the moves I should have before this?) and I can help you determine if a move is appropriate for you to try!

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 25
ā€¢ Edited (Jul 25, 2024)

Hiii students! A few reminders as we wrap up this weekĀ šŸ˜Š

Keep crushing it babes!

Coach Steph

  in  šŸ”¶ community
July 27

Hello šŸ‘‹šŸ¾ I have a question for those of you who perform/competeā€¦ how do you handle sweating a lot? I sweat a lot and I have this fear that Iā€™ll fall off a pole while competing because Iā€™ll be too sweaty and I canā€™t stop to wipe myself or the pole down. When I pole at home 85% of my time goes to wiping down my pole, allowing my body cool down or even wiping myself down ( I bought a coated pole just for that reason..) I use dry hand but I always joke that someone needs to create a whole dry body so I can just jump in it lolā€¦ anyways excited to hear your tips ā˜ŗļø