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  in  🔶 community
June 26

Stephanie Tallant I would love to hear your thoughts on my Jade. This is a significant improvement from where is started

  in  🔶 community
June 25

Stephanie Tallant I think the knee a little higher to start still ?

  in  🔶 community
June 18

I want to make a collage of everyone's LAYBACKS this week!! Can you take a picture of your cross ankle or cross knee layback and share it as a comment on this post? Pretty please! Thank you!

Commenting your picture here will count as your submission to the challenge! You can post the same one on Instagram and make sure to tag @stephanietallant_pole & #thebestpoleapp!

  in  🔶 community
June 24

Oh I like this invert ! It’s like an aerial Rond de jambe.

  in  🔶 community
June 23




June 24 — 30, 2024

Join challenge to see content
7 videos

Your Weekly Challenge! REVIEW TIME! 

June 3rd - Extended Butterfly & Poisson (+ variations)

June 10th - Inverts on static & spin | "Pretty" invert to leg hook | Invert Conditioning

June 17th - Laybacks (& variations including crescent)

What does Review Week Mean?

-Revisit a challenge that you missed OR

-Revisit a challenge that was especially difficult for you OR

-Revisit a challenge that you freakin LOVED OR

-Pick two or three moves from this month and try to make a combo!!


Often times in pole, we bounce around to the "next cool Instagram move". So I love having review weeks in my personal practice too, which gives us a chance to further connect and explore different moves and sequences that we've already done in the past. Our bodies LOVE consistency when learning new things. I hope you enjoy this week!!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of something included in this week's videos in the Community Feed at OR via your app. Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! June winner announced next Monday! 🎉

  in  🔶 community
June 20

Vanessa asked me about a Floor K Tutorial. I do have one on Youtube! I demonstrate this move on both sides first and then I talk through the setup and entry about halfway through the video!

  in  🔶 community
June 24

jamimah this is me as a baby 👶🏽May 2023. These clips are from the same day so I'm the same level of flexibility in both. In the first one I'm focused on reaching the hand to the pole and having "where the f is the pole" frustration. In the second clip I focus on getting the pole lined up in the crease of my hip and getting that contact point of thigh/torso squeezing the pole first and then reaching for the pole happened easily.

  in  🔶 community
June 22

Coach Tiana how do these look- I def feel my booty

  in  🔶 community
June 22

Hey Stephanie Tallant I am working on the marchetti split and I was following your video but I can’t get my bottom arm to the pole after trying to get my leg to my shoulder. Helppppppp, thanks 🫶🏾

  in  🔶 community
June 24

I love review weeks because I can dedicate time to what is difficult for me... I want to improve the backward spinning invert.. Stephanie Tallant and community, what do you think?