Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States


Jun 30 at 08:25 AM

Hi students! Would love others thoughts on this as well because pole move names can be different depending on where and how you learned! Poisson vs reverse poisson... my understanding:

  1. Poisson (inside leg on pole) - first picture

  2. Reverse Poisson (but what I always think of when I hear poisson...outside leg on pole) - 2nd picture

  3. Poisson variation (anything else that has the similar leg shape lol for example, arm behind back) - 3rd picture

Any other thoughts from you all? Please comment below!! Thanks Miriam juan for asking this great question!!



Jun 30 at 08:00 AM

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on July 1st or click the below link to be redirected:

Your Weekly Challenge! Butterfly and 11 Different Variations

This week's focus is the classic Butterfly AND if you are comfortable in your butterfly, then I've presented you with 11 butterfly variations to experiment with during your training this week. 

Your challenge: Watch the tutorials & then try the moves presented, as well as any other entries, exits, combos, variations, or transitions that you'd like!

STUDENTS: There are many different levels included in these variations. Please approach the one handed variation with reasonable caution. I would recommend only trying that one if you feel extremely confident with all the other variations OR you have a trusty spot to grab your hips while you figure out the balance. I just want you all to be safe, that's always my #1 priority :))


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of your butterfly (or any of the variations, combos, etc) in the Community Feed at OR via your app. Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! 🎉


Jun 26 at 02:05 PM


Filmed some videos for the new pole conditioning program starting next week!! Here’s a sneak peek! I’m excited 💪🏼 EDIT: Beginning in September 2024, the Pole Conditioning Program will be released via the App. The Program will be accessible under "Programs" from the home catalog page or simply click this link to have the program open in a web browser:

This was highly requested, so I'm excited about this update!!



Jun 26 at 01:02 PM


App member & 1:1 student, Vanessa , put in amazing work in our zoom session today and accomplished so many awesome things! Yayyyy!!



Jun 25 at 05:59 PM

Hi students! Want $5 off your next invoice? All you have to do is leave a rating AND write a review of the Pole with Steph App - just a few sentences on how the app has been beneficial in your practice.

Post this review in 3 places: (1) THIS post, (2) Google AND (3) your respective app store using the links below. When you're done, reply DONE on your comment in this post and I will edit your next invoice.

I appreciate in advance anyone that does this for me. It's a fairly simple task that is a HUGE help to me as a small business. THANK YOU!





Jun 25 at 12:18 PM

I'd love to do another collage with ANY of the moves included in this week's review challenge (laybacks, crescent, poisson, inverts, knee hook, invert conditioning)! Please leave your screenshots in the comments below! Excited to see 😍

Thank youuuu everyone for your participation in the Layback Collage last week (I included the final collage in the comments)!



Jun 25 at 11:46 AM

Huge shoutout to long time subscriber, Josephine Edith Graabæk (she's been a subscriber to my program since August 2022 😍)!! An amazing testament to hard work, dedication, consistency, and focusing on the overall long term journey!! I'm so proud of you Josephine and grateful to have had you, your influence, and your inspiration in this program for so long! Keep up the beautiful work!



Jun 25 at 11:08 AM


I tackled Day 2 of the Gym Program today and had a super solid sesh!! Here is a clip of the first superset (bent over rows, DB press, and lateral raise). The 25lbs on the bent over row and DB press was super hard for me, but I really wanted to push myself! Coach Tiana  would love for you to take a look and see if you have any feedback on technique. Felt good!! And thanks Coach Tiana for the extra notes you included this cycle! They are really helpful for me in knowing how to approach each superset.

Subscribers, link to the gym program lives in the subscriber only community feed.

Non-subscribers, click on this link to check out information on the gym program:



Jun 23 at 07:00 AM

Your Weekly Challenge! REVIEW TIME! 

June 3rd - Extended Butterfly & Poisson (+ variations)

June 10th - Inverts on static & spin | "Pretty" invert to leg hook | Invert Conditioning

June 17th - Laybacks (& variations including crescent)

What does Review Week Mean?

-Revisit a challenge that you missed OR

-Revisit a challenge that was especially difficult for you OR

-Revisit a challenge that you freakin LOVED OR

-Pick two or three moves from this month and try to make a combo!!


Often times in pole, we bounce around to the "next cool Instagram move". So I love having review weeks in my personal practice too, which gives us a chance to further connect and explore different moves and sequences that we've already done in the past. Our bodies LOVE consistency when learning new things. I hope you enjoy this week!!


  • Click "Join"

  • Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However please follow the other requirements

  • Share a picture or a video of something included in this week's videos in the Community Feed at OR via your app. Just a screenshot is totally fine if that's all you're comfortable with!!

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month! June winner announced next Monday! 🎉



Jun 22 at 01:38 PM

For those waiting on the Floor K tutorial, it’s live! Remember, this is not part of the challenge, it is just 1 of 100s of extra pole tutorials you receive access to when you subscribe 🙃
Espi Vanessa


Floor K Tutorial

00:00 Demo of the move00:36 One of the biggest mistakes01:45...