You’re so welcome!! 💪🏼💪🏼
Replied on 9 Exercises on Pull up Bar for Pole D...
Replied on 9 Exercises on Pull up Bar for Pole D...
Replied on 9 Exercises on Pull up Bar for Pole D...
Replied on 9 Exercises on Pull up Bar for Pole D...
Replied on Vanessa Stephanie Tallant So I don’...
Jul 24 at 09:13 AM
Thanks so much for sharing this Vanessa!! I don't think this topic is talked about enough. It's okay and completely normal to table moves. I know Josephine Edith Graabæk is another babe that can relate to this with BOP and Kadeluxe with her handspring. I had the same story with BOP myself. I tabled it for months... maybe even a year lol In the IG world of seeing (more often than not).. someone doing a trick smoothly beautifully with no struggle...we often expect the same from ourselves, but it's an urealistic expectation. Another thing to add... I was listening to a podcast recently and something resonated with me.. They were discussing the fact that in order to keep our bodies safe from injury, we should really only be doing moves on the pole that are WITHIN our range of capacity and flexibility. We really shouldn't be expecting ourselves to accomplish moves that are PUSHING the limits of our strength and flexibility. We should be working those moves more from the floor. I hope this makes sense! jamimah ❤️