Katie Strelau

Winooski, VT, United States

Sep 18 at 05:00 PM

YAY!!!!! Ok this makes sense, thanks Steph!!! I’m going to try again on Friday, I’ll keep you updated!!!!!



Sep 17 at 09:07 PM


Ok, I’ve watched all the janeiro videos multiple times. I’m thoroughly warming up my back, hip flexors, and obliques. I know the steps; handstand brass, lower inside arm to create the shelf, engage your core, squeeze the $100 bill between your booty cheeks, thrust your hips, lower the leg to the shelf (but keep it lifted and booty/inner thighs squeezed), and veryyyy slowly release the top leg. But every time, I FALL OUT!!! There was ONE time when I was able to release the top leg and start to lower it without falling out right away, but I have no idea what I did differently. Stephanie Tallant is this one of those things that I just have to keep trying, or am I missing something?????


Aug 22 at 04:49 PM

The next trick I have my sights set on is #janeiro! Stephanie Tallant I *think* my setup is good, but I’m having trouble bringing my top leg down. I think I need to keep it closer to the pole as I lower it, do you have any cues to help this (or any other tips/suggestions)? Thank you xoxoxo


Jul 31 at 10:32 AM

I can record a video in a few days of core exercises where I feel it! I think I can even feel it if I’m just standing though. If I put my hand on my abs and engage them, and then also engage my lats, I think I feel my core engage more. Now I’m thinking about it a lot though and it might be in my head


Jul 30 at 10:55 PM

Coach Tiana, I have a question specifically for you!! 🤩When I’ve being doing core workouts recently, I noticed that when I think about engaging my lats, my abdominal muscles seems to engage more too. For example, I’ve noticed this with hollow body holds. Is this is my head, or is there something real happening here? Thank you!!!!


Jul 23 at 08:22 PM

YAYAYAYAY thank you Steph!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Jul 21 at 06:30 PM

I would love this too!!!!!! 💯💯💯



Jul 16 at 07:11 PM

Hi Steph!! I finally took your advice and got a home pull up bar!! Any advice on how to most effectively use it to train for pole? Thank youuu 😘 Stephanie Tallant Coach Tiana


Oh my god that last stretch on the foam roller is GLORIOUS!!! 😍

Jun 27 at 07:54 AM

Stephanie Tallant thank you!!!!! I’ve actually already added this “video” to one of my playlists 🥰🥰🥰
