Chantal-Joelle Gross

Aug 23 at 10:08 AM

Basel, Switzerland 🇨🇭

Jul 26 at 08:23 AM

Stephanie Tallant ❤️❤️❤️


Jul 24 at 12:59 PM

I'm currently persuing a master degree in applied cell biology (part-time), working as a scientific assistant, as a pole trainer since this year and as a petsitter 😂🙏 student life at its best!! Hopefully in a few years I can work partly as research associate and pole trainer (and doing Petsitting just for fun!) 🤩♥️

Apr 21 at 04:18 PM

Stephanie Tallant I'll keep you posted on this!!


Apr 19 at 02:56 PM

Thank you so much, dear Steph 🤩❣️

Feb 21 at 12:56 PM

As usual you're the fastest and greatest supporter!! Thank you so much dear Steph! ❤️

Feb 21 at 12:02 PM

Coach Tiana ok, makes a lot of sense! Thank you!! 🤗

Feb 21 at 08:21 AM

I'll keep it in mind for next time squatting!!

Feb 21 at 08:20 AM

That's a great addition with the small counterweight and I'll definitely try that out next time!! Thank you so much for the great advice and support!!

Regarding keeping my chest up, I think, my anatomy might limit me here a bit as well, what do you think? I'm quite tall (178cm) and therefore my femurs are pretty long too while my torso is quite short... Or is it just a lack of mobility alone?

Feb 03 at 09:17 AM

YASSSSS!! So happy with your program and how it supports my pole & flexibility journey 🤩🙏❤️