Chantal-Joelle Gross

Aug 23 at 10:08 AM

Basel, Switzerland 🇨🇭

Jul 26 at 08:23 AM

Stephanie Tallant ❤️❤️❤️


Jul 24 at 12:59 PM

I'm currently persuing a master degree in applied cell biology (part-time), working as a scientific assistant, as a pole trainer since this year and as a petsitter 😂🙏 student life at its best!! Hopefully in a few years I can work partly as research associate and pole trainer (and doing Petsitting just for fun!) 🤩♥️

Apr 21 at 04:18 PM

Stephanie Tallant I'll keep you posted on this!!


Apr 19 at 02:56 PM

Thank you so much, dear Steph 🤩❣️


Apr 19 at 08:22 AM

Hamstring Flexibility
Hi everyone!
I'm struggling a lot with my hamstring flexibility and it keeps me from getting lower in my front splits.
Does anyone has the same issue or had it? And if yes, how did you overcome it?
Looking forward to your support and exercise recommendations! ❤️
PS: Pics in the upper row are from 10th April and below are from 31st of January.... Not a lot of progress but I wasn't super consistent either due to my busy schedule these days.


Feb 21 at 12:56 PM

As usual you're the fastest and greatest supporter!! Thank you so much dear Steph! ❤️

Feb 21 at 12:02 PM

Coach Tiana ok, makes a lot of sense! Thank you!! 🤗

Feb 21 at 08:21 AM

I'll keep it in mind for next time squatting!!

Feb 21 at 08:20 AM

That's a great addition with the small counterweight and I'll definitely try that out next time!! Thank you so much for the great advice and support!!

Regarding keeping my chest up, I think, my anatomy might limit me here a bit as well, what do you think? I'm quite tall (178cm) and therefore my femurs are pretty long too while my torso is quite short... Or is it just a lack of mobility alone?