
New Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jun 15 at 01:12 PM

I'm obsessed with BB Steph videos 😍😍😍your pole transformation is wild and so inspirational. Take all my money, I wanna be you when I grow up 🥰😂😭

Jun 13 at 06:36 PM

Meep holding that position is hard. Is there any drills or conditioning for that position aerially because that extra pull up felt like a lot on my arms and I'm still feeling 😬


Jun 10 at 11:23 AM

NO EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PILLOWS 😩🫠Stephanie Tallant told me that "should I use a crash mat?" Are famous last words in pole 😭😂😂😂. At least you were doing something that looked like poisson, mine was just all kinds of wrong and I had to choose to fall bc I was tangled in a pole position that doesn't exist for a reason 😂 would post it on here but want to keep Steph's app PG with my cursing 😬

Jun 07 at 03:25 PM

SUE IS HERE 😍. After extended butterfly you have to bring that back leg to the same side of the pole as the other leg rather than going into inverted D. However, how to not fall off from there is TBD for me.

Jun 05 at 01:29 AM

I third this question because I'm in the "ugly" aerial invert club too, particularly on spin, and particularly when I'm tired towards the end of my routine. I know we talked about it in my last private on static but on spin it's still ugly 😂

May 28 at 07:03 PM

Gemini split, to black widow, flip over to flatline Scorpio, swivel to brass monkey, sit up to hood ornament....

Cannot do a gargoyle so will not be able to complete them all but if someone is feeling spicy they can do gargoyle between Gemini split and black widow of that combo to do all the things

May 28 at 12:56 PM

I literally feel like this posting my progress videos sometimes, but it did seem like a big improvement 😂😂😂. I was trying to be kinder to myself and pretend the first attempt wasn't 🗑️ but we both know me


May 20 at 12:00 AM

Stephanie Tallant

Ignore the second clip, that's my bad side and an embarrassment to your entire app.

Drop down: why am I so awkward and bad besides the obvious, (me going on the wrong side of the pole)?

Assisted press up: again, why awkward and bad?

The shapes at the end: are they right?

May 17 at 10:21 AM

Stephanie Tallant See I say that, but if you actually tried to fight me on which is the easier transition, I'm such a Steph Stan I'd probably be persuaded. You could tell me the sky is green and I'd tell myself "it's bc she's good at pole that's why you don't see it" 🙌🏽😂