Coach Tiana

Executive brain behind gym programming 🧠💪🏼✨

Jul 17 at 11:49 AM


Jul 17 at 10:19 AM

Looks like Steph gave you lots of ideas! Personally I wouldn’t do any upside down things on those unless you’re superbly confident in installation! Lols

One thing I’ll add…

I think it might be great to incorporate some eccentric pull ups (which just means the lowering portion)… so you could use a chair or something to get up into the top position then slowly (like 5-8 count) lower down into a dead hang. Controlling the eccentric is v v v good for tendon health!! Tendons/ connective tissue don’t adapt as quickly as muscles and they are often neglected.

You DONT need a large volume of this type of training and want to work into it slowly 

Could even start with something very minimal 2x 5 eccentric pull ups 2x/ week… then increase over time. 

I would do this AFTER your main strength session for the day as it will make your pulling muscles/ tendons v tired 😴 

Jul 04 at 05:11 PM

Does it feel different than when you were tucking under at the bottom?

Jun 28 at 07:27 PM


This is my neutral spine in bottom- so you can see a little space under where my lumbar spine is 

Jun 28 at 07:25 PM

Movement itself looks good! Personally I prefer to keep my spine neutral in the bottom position- but this is a personal preference thing. Maybe something to play with- because it translates over to hinge work better that way 


Jun 28 at 07:23 PM

If the box is moving- it against a stable surface or use a weight behind it so it stays in place. Also make sure you’re pressing down onto the box- that should help too


Jun 28 at 07:22 PM

Very good ! Great control!


Jun 27 at 03:59 PM

Or split squats but you might want to hurt me after doing these 😂

Jun 27 at 03:58 PM

Oooh or if you have a smith machine you can try these


Jun 27 at 03:57 PM

Ooooh. Do you have a leg press machine? If so you can do a glute biased press on there. You can use a barbell for hip thrusts but time/ effort/ stability issues make it not my favorite. You can post a video of the set up you try and I can give you feedback or you can try glute biased leg press 👍🏼
