Amber Clark

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Mar 02 at 09:40 AM

I do want to mention that even though it was really hard, my back and shoulders feel so much more open today, so thank you 🥰

Mar 01 at 05:49 PM

Stephanie Tallant ok so the 25 min video was really challenging for me. The foam roller exercise and then trying to find the engagement in the backbend at the end was near impossible. The 15 min video is a lot more manageable

Mar 01 at 02:53 PM

Stephanie Tallant wait, I actually have heehee

Mar 01 at 11:11 AM

Yay! I need this too 🤭


Mar 01 at 11:10 AM

Stephanie Tallant I have not tried this one, yet


Feb 28 at 10:41 AM

I have done this one! I can work on consistently using this as a warm up before working on back bends


Feb 28 at 07:34 AM

Thank you!

Feb 27 at 09:20 AM

I’ve done the flying cobra and twisting torso ones. Usually do either of those 3x per week. It’s hard for me to squeeze in the 60 minute class, but sometimes I start it and get half way through just to get something in that’s back focused.


Feb 26 at 07:56 PM


Hey! Please ignore my exorcist crawl down the wall, but any advice on getting my arms straight? Over the years my back has gotten more flexible, but have always been stuck here with the arms. Is this just a strength thing? What tutorials of yours would be good for this? Thank you!



Feb 01 at 01:29 PM


Haven’t re-visited ballerina in a while, but really enjoyed this torso rotation video on the app today 🙂