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  in  🔶 community
July 26

Doing the homework and getting approval from your pole instructor is all the happy vibes I need today!!😁. Thanks Stephanie!

  in  🔶 community
July 26

Hey coach! Stephanie Tallant I didn’t more handspring and cup grip practice today. How does this look? I still don’t feel stable. I was practicing both sides- this is technically my non dominant as the base. It doesn’t seem to make as much of a difference in cup grip interestingly

  in  🔶 community
July 14

Hi Stephanie Tallant ! I recently decided to focus on back flexibility as part of my training. I used to be able to do a needle when I was younger but unfortunately I lost most of my back flexibility when I stopped going to dance school. I found it difficult to get it back and my progress has been slow. I watched the first 4 videos in your back flexibility playlist and they were really helpful. However, there are so many videos of various length and intensity, I don’t know which ones to pick from. Would you recommend picking one or two videos and sticking with them to build progression, or is it better to try different videos each time? Also, is it more effective to train a little bit every day (10-15 minutes) or have fewer, longer dedicated sessions (e.g. one-hour sessions twice a week) ? Would be great to get my needle back sometime in the future! 😊I’d love to hear your advice!!
Thank you!

  in  🔶 community
July 21

Yess🤭first attempts were really scary! I Trier this tangledsplit for the first time 😊happy!

  in  🔶 community
July 23

9 Exercises on Pull up Bar for Pole Dancers (requested by Katie Strelau & Lenka SAMUELY). Read the caption in the video on YouTube for all the details:

  in  🔶 community
July 23

I'm a bit behind on the challenges, because I'm trying so hard to get this Jasmine to Superman from the other challenge, but I can only get one out of every ten (and they look like this 🤦‍♀️). The angle is bad, but all my videos had the same angle, and my legs are too dead to keep trying! Please help Stephanie Tallant or anyone! Why are these so scary! I'm trying to get my knee to chest...urgh! I added a jump to Superman at the end, because at least I can do that, and I needed the confidence boost🤷‍♀️

(P/s I fell out of a shoulder mount to superman a year ago, and only just have been able to do them without a spot again...i am such a scaredy cat).

  in  🔶 community
July 17

Sharing a combo I threw together for this weeks challenge. Just missing the tangled split. 🥰

  in  🔶 community
June 09




June 10 — 16, 2024

Join challenge to see content
5 videos

Your Weekly Challenge!

This week's tutorial is all about Inverting. I know I know... not a pretty Instagram shape BUT a fundamental skill that'll help GET YOU TO your new favorite instagram shape :))

Your challenge: 1) Watch the tutorials! Because there are different levels included in this challenge, you do not need to mark all videos as "watched". However you do need to follow the other below requirements to be eligible for the June Prize :)) 2) Try 1 or more of the tutorials (invert conditioning, invert without the classic invert, clean up your invert to leg hang, forward spinning inverting, backward spinning inverting)! Lot's to digest this week. As always, please ask questions and post your videos for feedback. I'm here for you!!!

Requirements to be eligible for the prize at the end of the month!!

  • Click "Join"

  • Share a picture or a video of something included in this week's videos in the Community Feed at OR via your app

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete the weekly challenge at least TWICE during the month!

  in  🔶 community
July 22

Hi students!! A new combo has been added to the current two week challenge! Make sure to scroll down to the "Flamingo & Tangled Split" Weekly Challenge post OR just click here: I absolutely loved seeing so many fun combos already with tangled split and the upright and inverted flamingo last week, so I hope you enjoy the combo that I've presented to you in this as well!

ALSO, for this week, you can simply comment your screenshots on the challenge post (same link as above)! You'll see many subscribers have done this already!

Questions? Ask me in the comments! I'm always here for all of you!

  in  🔶 community
July 19

Are you competing or performing during the rest of 2024? Comment the dates and name of your competition or performance, so the Community and I can make sure to send you GOOD GRIP on your day!!