Stephanie Tallant

Key West, FL, United States


03 Mar 14:37

Please read for many exciting updates 🤩

  • March April Flexibility Program LIVE under PROGRAMS

  • March April Pole Conditioning Program LIVE under PROGRAMS

  • March April May Gym Program LIVE under PROGRAMS! (yay it's no longer in the spreadsheet!)

  • 3 NEW pole tutorials released through this week's challenge!

Remember, the easiest way to access the programs is from the main Catalog page, scrolling down to PROGRAMS. You can also add all of these programs to your FAVORITES, so they are super easy to locate every time you sign in.

Also friendly reminder, that I AM HERE FOR YOUUU! Post your questions, videos, and pictures here in the Community Feed, so I can make sure you're getting the most out of the App's content. You will also inspire the other 1000+ members here on the Feed!

Not a subscriber & want to join all this amazing-ness? Use this link for a 7 day free trial. No time commitment & cancel anytime:

Happy March everyone! Let's gooooo!!
Coach Steph


02 Mar 13:00

Videos will appear at the bottom of this post on March 3rd or click this link:

Your Weekly Challenge(s):

You all have been requesting combos! Woot woot! So, you'll find some fun combos to try this week! I hope you enjoy! 🎉


  • Click "Join"

  • Comment on this post with a picture (screenshot is fine) of you doing something from this week's challenge videos OR you can choose to comment a picture of something else related to your movement practice this week.

    • REMINDER: photos can be uploaded via your app or via the website, Videos can only be posted via the App on your phone or iPad (not via a web browser).

  • Share a picture or a video on Instagram and tag @stephanietallant_pole and #thebestpoleapp

Each month, there will be one randomly selected winner chosen amongst all members who complete at least one of the two week challenges during the month!



01 Mar 06:37


Hii Susan! So close with brass monkey press!! A couple things:

-start as high up as you can (it already looks like you're doing this, but just making sure.. stand up as highhh as you can on those right tippy toes and use all your active flexibility to get the left leg as high as possible when putting it on your shelf

-it's common for the right arm to bend a little in the beginning but then fight like hell to push it straight!!

-try to get the top of the right foot to the pole as soon as possible to help keep your hips close to the pole (not shown in this video bc I was going somewhere slightly different, but it'll help you!)

-crunch the left obliques and squeeze that left arm INTO the pole as much as you can! (Both of these tips are aimed to keep you hips close to the pole)

Hopefully those help!

Excited to see you nail this one!!



27 Feb 13:42


New 4-Part Middle Split Flexibility Series is live!! It includes an Over Middle Split section. I hope you all enjoy and learn lots! 💪🏼🎉🥳🤗



23 Feb 18:27

EXCITING UPDATE: March’s Gym Program will be integrated into the App!! 🎉🤩💪🏼🥳 Go to the home page, find “PROGRAMS” and scroll to the right until you see “Gym program for polers”! Coach Tiana has an awesome program in store for us this upcoming cycle and you can already see it & get excited about it! I am!!!

This update has been highly requested, so I moved it up to top priority & made it happen for you all! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼



18 Feb 10:36

NEW BLOG POST! Hi students! I just published a blog post with tips for your spinning pole practice. Things like how to work on not getting dizzy, controlling your speed, and being flowy. I hope you find some of the tips helpful! Please give it a "like" & comment on the blog if you have thoughts or questions!

Thanks to Constantina for inspiring this request!



14 Feb 18:30

I filmed a fun off the pole bunny split drill for you all today! I’ll get it on the App soon but didn’t want you all to wait, so you can use this link to view it on YouTube:


13 Feb 10:00

Hi students! As most of you know, my mission with this App is to make it as useful and as all-inclusive as possible😍 Do you wish the App had a specific type of content or specific tutorials? Please share with me below!

Thanks for being here! Let's keep learning & growing together🥰
Coach Steph



12 Feb 15:38

Hiii students! Friendly reminder to those that follow the gym program- the 2 week systemic portion starts next week (February 17th). It's available NOW to view in the Gym Program Spreadsheet. If you have questions, comment below pretty please. And as a friendly reminder on the "WHY" behind the 2 week systemic portion between our 12 week cycles: 

"We want to make sure that we’re not limited by “being out of breath” during our normal hypertrophy cycles (and for you guys in some of longer pole combos)- so we do these weeks of systemic training (think out of breath training lols) so we are conditioned properly to do all the other things we want to do" - Coach Tiana 💪

NEW cycle begins March 3rd!!



11 Feb 11:15


Clip of DB Partials from today:
Coach Tiana I would love feedback if you have any!
✨Things I think I did well: trying to keep my ribs down. I filmed these last week and noticed I had quite a large arch in my back so I focused on not doing that this week
✨Things I think I need to improve: because I am pushing the weight on these, I think I’m relying a bit on momentum to push out of the bottom. I also notice my elbows want to widen as a I get tired, so I think I could do better at keeping them in a bit more.

Overall good session today! Getting comfy with pushing weights oh yeahhh! And feeling strong in my pole & flexibility practice, which is important because when you have a strong “WHY” like this, you don’t need “motivation” to stay consistent! (Food for thought for subscribers 🥰)

And if you didn’t know, this 12 week gym training program is available right here in the App and is available to all subscribers (which is honestly worth the monthly cost alone). Progressive overload style training that you can choose to do 1, 2 , or 3 days/ week 💪🏼