
New Philadelphia, PA, United States


Jun 12 at 03:47 AM


Weekly challenge inverts: the first clip might have been going for the world record for most knee hook adjustments after a single aerial invert on spin (counted 7 🫣).
Stephanie Tallant, my second clip looks better than whatever the fork is going on in the first clip, and I feel like I understand the techniques from the floor but aerially it still feels off. Also your "messy" invert at the beginning of your messy invert tutorial is comically clean and better than my second clip, so I presented the first clip for reference of what a messy invert looks like if you want to try and duplicate that technique I have going on there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Jun 10 at 11:23 AM

NO EMOTIONAL SUPPORT PILLOWS 😩🫠Stephanie Tallant told me that "should I use a crash mat?" Are famous last words in pole πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. At least you were doing something that looked like poisson, mine was just all kinds of wrong and I had to choose to fall bc I was tangled in a pole position that doesn't exist for a reason πŸ˜‚ would post it on here but want to keep Steph's app PG with my cursing 😬

Jun 07 at 03:25 PM

SUE IS HERE 😍. After extended butterfly you have to bring that back leg to the same side of the pole as the other leg rather than going into inverted D. However, how to not fall off from there is TBD for me.


Jun 07 at 12:25 AM


Weekly challenge Poisson: tried them all, but πŸ™ƒπŸ« . Wondering if you need a solid Ayesha/be comfortable with 2 points of contact moves to be able to do this with both hands on the pole and that's what "strong arms" means in your video because I feel like I'm going to nose dive and don't feel secure if I were to move the legs around. Will reattampt with my crash mat when it comes back home but overall scary 🫣 Stephanie Tallant help thx


Jun 06 at 11:47 PM


Forgot to post my review challenge video last week bc pole con but getting my challenge credit πŸ™ƒ: Gemini split, flatline, brass monkey, figurehead. Had to skip black widow split because I couldn't risk a Humpty Dumpty tumble before a performance 😬


Jun 05 at 01:29 AM

I third this question because I'm in the "ugly" aerial invert club too, particularly on spin, and particularly when I'm tired towards the end of my routine. I know we talked about it in my last private on static but on spin it's still ugly πŸ˜‚

May 28 at 07:03 PM

Gemini split, to black widow, flip over to flatline Scorpio, swivel to brass monkey, sit up to hood ornament....

Cannot do a gargoyle so will not be able to complete them all but if someone is feeling spicy they can do gargoyle between Gemini split and black widow of that combo to do all the things

May 28 at 12:56 PM

I literally feel like this posting my progress videos sometimes, but it did seem like a big improvement πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I was trying to be kinder to myself and pretend the first attempt wasn't πŸ—‘οΈ but we both know me



May 28 at 12:32 AM


Retried the pole challenge and Mom was right, all better πŸ™ƒπŸ©°also thank you Stephanie Tallant for being such a good teacher and understanding my dramatics bc I'm very aware these videos look practically the same but to me they feel completely different πŸ˜‚



May 25 at 03:16 PM


Weekly challenge. The face says it all πŸ€ͺfirst time I've been able to actually do this transition aerially but feels awkward spinning in the reverse direction and getting my hips around, halp please