
poling for 4 years. my goal is to do a deadlift by the end of 2024, and compete byt 2025!!

Jun 17 at 03:40 PM

That's so solid!!



Jun 15 at 08:19 PM


Weekly Challenge - Let's chat inverting

I'm mad sore from Coach Tiana 's workout, this was a little harder, because my glutes are still on 🔥. But here's me trying the inverts. I love the static cue to keep both legs to the pole, but I'm struggling with the spin. I'm trying to do pencil to leg hang, and it's HARD and not so smooth! I am gonna add this to my pole warm ups!!


Jun 15 at 04:44 PM

Oh my gosh! I love this! I love seeing people's progress, it reminds me that I am making incremental improvements, amd not to get frustrated with "not getting it right away."

Jun 14 at 04:35 PM

Well that explains why my butt hurts! Feeling the burn, and I love it!


I really enjoyed this lesson! I've added these to my Saturday training session!